The Analysis of Induction Motor Rundown Regime Concomitant Electromechanical Processes in Two Phase Coordinate System α,β
Marina Koņuhova, Guntis Orlovskis

Concomitant rundown regime electromechanical processes demonstrate success of the following induction motor operation regimes linked to different kinds of switching: self start at repeated closing and changeover, wye-delta start-up, reverse etc. This article presents an induction motor mathematical model in two phase coordinate system α,β, which allows to compare characteristics obtained on a model and characteristics received in experimental way without additional transformations. Such characteristics as rotation frequency, residual voltage, electromagnetic torque, stator and rotor currencies and flux linkages were obtained using this model. That gave opportunity to analyze induction motor rundown regime concomitant processes.

analysis, induction motor, mathematical model, reclosing, rundown regime, transient processes

Koņuhova, M., Orlovskis, G. The Analysis of Induction Motor Rundown Regime Concomitant Electromechanical Processes in Two Phase Coordinate System α,β. Power and Electrical Engineering. Vol.28, 2011, pp.54-58. ISSN 1407-7345.

Publication language
English (en)
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