Classification and Systemizing of Optimization Criteria of Vector Control Methods For Induction Motor
Gļebs Golubovs, Anastasija Žiravecka

The paper is devoted to the field-oriented control of induction motors. As almost all the types of this control approach existed as a result of continuous improvement and optimization of the previous similar methods, then analyzing the previous investigations in this field it seems possible to develop a general optimization system of this type of control allowing the selection of an optimal method for each separate application case as well as the opportunity for further optimization of each method. The authors analyze the proposed in literature classification of the vector control methods, the parameters of such systems that are used as key parameters in these control methods. On the basis of this a system of evaluation and optimization criteria is proposed with the idea of further detailed analysis of such systems in terms of all the considered parameters and according to each subtype of control compare them and systemize the information. The vector control of induction motor has a lot of types according to the type of operation and structure of the system as well as according to the output technical parameters and characteristics. All these aspects are constantly developing. One of the research ways of this control method development is in the direction of optimization. Therefore it is necessary to determine the main optimization criteria and develop the criteria system according to which it would be possible to evaluate, analyze and compare the existing and new control approaches.

field-oriented control, asynchronous driver, criterion, classification, optimizing system

Golubovs, G., Žiravecka, A. Classification and Systemizing of Optimization Criteria of Vector Control Methods For Induction Motor. Power and Electrical Engineering. Vol.28, 2011, pp.64-67. ISSN 1407-7345.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
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