What was Missing in the Metacentre Height Formula...?
Ūdens transports un infrastruktūra 2011: 13. starptautiskā konference: rakstu krājums 2011
Kristīne Carjova, Gints Rijkuris, Vadims Kurnajevs

The International Maritime Organization, ship owners and charterers make their own demands on vessels’ crews to ensure ships’ stability. Although nowadays mostly all calculations are done by means of various computer programs, the bases have not changed. In this paper, the authors have emphasized the part of the metacentre height formula, which was not taken into account for now, and its importance.

metacentric height, metacenter, buoyancy center

Carjova, K., Rijkuris, G., Kurnajevs, V. What was Missing in the Metacentre Height Formula...?. In: Ūdens transports un infrastruktūra 2011: 13. starptautiskā konference: rakstu krājums, Latvia, Rīga, 29-30 April, 2011. Rīga: Latvijas Jūras akadēmija, 2011, pp.9-13. ISSN 1691-3817.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
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