Admissible Evacuation Time
Vladimirs Jemeļjanovs, Jeļena Pundure, Māris Ziemelis, Jānis Bartušauskis, Oļegs Sņegovs

Fire always is unexpected. Therefore, to decrease count of victims during the panic, it is essential to timely leave a dangerous place. Unfortunately, quick and smooth evacuation is not possible in many buildings where fire safety should be at the highest level. One of the greatest civil threat risks is obstacles that impede escape from fire or other incident that can happen in the building. Therefore, more precise research and methododoly are needed for determination of admissible evacuation time.

evacuation time, fire, fire hazard factors

Jemeļjanovs, V., Malahova, J., Ziemelis, M., Bartušauskis, J., Sņegovs, O. Admissible Evacuation Time. Safety of Technogenic Environment. Vol.2, 2012, pp.42-45. ISSN 2255-6923. e-ISSN 2255-8705.

Publication language
English (en)
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