Management of the Interaction of Railway Station and Harbor Based on Simulation Modeling
Fjodors Mihailovs

27.12.2012. 12:00, TMF, Lomonosova ielā 1A, V.korpusā, 218.aud.

Dijs Sergejevs

Gaļina Merkurjeva, Ramūnas Palšaitis, Genadijs Groševs

Thesis “Management of the interaction of railway station and harbor based on simulation modeling” is completed by Fjodors Mihailovs in order to receive doctoral degree in engineering. Academic Advisor,, asoc. professor Dijs Sergejevs un, professor Pēteris Balckars. Main objective is the implementation of simulation methods of the interaction of railway station and harbor in order to improve the performance of operational work, ensuring rhythmic processing load, reducing the idle time of wagons at harbor stations. The system of parameters of finding of optimal train arriving time intervals’ to the harbor stations is formed. Distribution laws of incoming train traffic to transport node and their compliance to the laws of theoretical distribution has been checked. The algorithm of finding of optimal train arriving time intervals’ to harbor stations is developed on the base of method of multiagent optimization. On the basis of investigations is worked out simulation model with the finding of optimal train arriving time intervals’ to harbor stations for the simulation of interaction processes at transport node „harbor station – about terminals” with material flows and cargo units from the entrance into the system to the exit from it. The results of investigation are offered for implementation on JSC “Latvian railway”.

transport node „harbor station – harbor terminals”, railway station and harbor, simulation modeling, optimal train arriving time intervals,

Mihailovs, Fjodors. Management of the Interaction of Railway Station and Harbor Based on Simulation Modeling. PhD Thesis. Rīga: [RTU], 2012. 126 p.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
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