Moisture Effect on the Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity in Concrete Cured under Normal Conditions and at Elevated Temperature
Uldis Lencis, Aigars Ūdris, Aleksandrs Korjakins

The ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) in water-saturated concrete is higher than in dry concrete. However, moisture influence on the UPV is defined within a wide range: — from negligible to quite significant (16 per cent). The nature of "UPV − concrete moisture" correlation is also interpreted in different ways — both as linear and as exponential. This paper reviews how various degrees of moisture saturation influence the UPV in concrete when sounding is carried out by the frequently used ultrasonic testing method — the indirect transmission by using longitudinal wave pulse. Research was conducted on specimens hardened both under standard conditions and at elevated temperatures. The results show a sudden UPV increase at the degree when the maximum water absorption in concrete is achieved.

concrete, nondestructive testing, ultrasonic pulse velocity, effect of moisture

Lencis, U., Ūdris, A., Korjakins, A. Moisture Effect on the Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity in Concrete Cured under Normal Conditions and at Elevated Temperature. Construction Science. Vol.14, 2013, pp.71-78. ISSN 1407-7329. e-ISSN 2255-8551.

Publication language
English (en)
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