Valentina Hibnere - The Founder of the Pedagogy of the Children Visual Arts in Latvia
Laikmets un personība: rakstu krājums. 14.sēj. 2013
Diāna Rumpīte, Dzidra Meikšāne

Valentina Hibnere (1926-2001) is an outstanding personality and researcher in the Education Science in Latvia whose contribution is of a fundamental value. Her research was basically devoted to the concept of creativity in education, mostly connected with the preconditions of enhancing the creative imagination and creativity of pre-school and school children in the field of visual arts. Valentina Hibnere is the author of monographs and numerous scientific articles which are still used at the teacher training institutions and universities in Latvia. Her integrative study of the developmental pedagogy and psychology were well-known beyond the borders of this country. Valentina Hibnere also contributed to the organization of the first international creativity conferences in Latvia (1996-). Valentina Hibnere was also my colleague, close friend who was loved and deeply honoured by all who knew her. Therefore we are thankful that the memories about Valentina Hibnere were included in the prestigious volume of scientific articles "The Age and Personality 14"

kreativitāte, vizuālā māksla

Rumpīte, D., Meikšāne, D. Valentīna Hibnere - bērnu vizuālās mākslas pedagoģijas pamatlicēja Latvijā = Valentina Hibnere - The Founder of the Pedagogy of the Children Visual Arts in Latvia. In: Laikmets un personība: rakstu krājums. 14.sēj. Rīga: RaKa, 2013, pp.252-289. ISBN 9789984462929.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
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