Assessment of Sustainable Collection and Recycling Policy of Lead-Acid Accumulators from the Perspective of System Dynamics Modelling
Chemical Engineering Transactions 2014
Andra Blumberga, Lelde Timma, Jānis Vilgerts, Dagnija Blumberga

The scope of our research is to outline dynamics of the transition from informal to formal waste collection system, where the influence of social, economic and policy factors are modelled. The case study is based on lead-acid accumulator’s collection system in Latvia. The developed model is valid as decision supporting system for policy developers and as a platform for scientists for further research on dynamics of informal waste management practices. The model can be extended for other boundaries.

waste management, hazardous waste, sustainable development, system dynamics

Blumberga, A., Timma, L., Vilgerts, J., Blumberga, D. Assessment of Sustainable Collection and Recycling Policy of Lead-Acid Accumulators from the Perspective of System Dynamics Modelling. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2014, Vol.39, pp.649-654. ISSN 2283-9216. Available from: doi:10.3303/CET1439109

Publication language
English (en)
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