Surface Texture Parameters Application for Nanocoatings
Natālija Bulaha, Jānis Rudzītis

surface roughness is a quality indicator of the surface. Due to the introduction of the new standard ISO 25178-2:2012 nanocoating surface has begun to be explored in volume rather than through the profiles, as it was done previously. In this work surface 3D topography parameters of different coatings on the basis of TiAl were analysed in order to determine the highest quality coatings

Nanocoatings, surface texture, roughness, topography, wear

Fiļipova, N., Rudzītis, J. Surface Texture Parameters Application for Nanocoatings. Production and Engineering. Vol.35, 2013, pp.118-124. ISSN 1407-8015. e-ISSN 2255-8721.

Publication language
English (en)
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