Chemically and Thermally Activated Illite Clay from Latvia
Ingunda Šperberga, Poļina Špeļa, Māris Rundāns, Andris Cimmers

Materials were synthesized from illite based clay from Latvia by chemical and thermal activation using both NaOH and KOH solutions (4−6 M). Compressive strength and apparent porosity were measured. Effect of concentration of both solutions on the mechanical properties of the material was investigated by means of infrared spectroscopy (IR). Compressive strength data showed that alternative building materials could be obtained via alkaline activation.

Alkaline activation, compressive strength, illite clay

Šperberga, I., Špeļa, P., Rundāns, M., Cimmers, A. Chemically and Thermally Activated Illite Clay from Latvia. Materials Sciences and Applied Chemistry. Vol.32, 2015, pp.27-32. ISSN 1407-7353. e-ISSN 2255-8713. Available from: doi:10.1515/msac-2015-0005

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English (en)
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