RealValue - Smart Electric Heating System
Enerģija un Pasaule 2016
Antans Sauļus Sauhats, Diāna Žalostība, Zane Broka, Kārlis Baltputnis, Oļegs Linkevičs, Māris Kuņickis, Māris Balodis, Edijs Vesperis

Riga Technical University (RTU) has started an energy storage project, RealValue, along with twelve partners from Ireland, United Kingdom, Germany and Finland. The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme and it explores the potential of using smart electric thermal storage heaters in homes and offices under electricity market conditions employing smart information and communication technologies. The heaters can store a large amount of heat for a long time and are equipped with a convenient automatic control providing a high level of comfort for the user by supplying the heat just when it is needed. During the project, physical trials will be conducted by installing the storage heaters in Latvia, Ireland and Germany. It will allow researchers of RTU and its partner institutions to develop and test innovative and more efficient approaches for power system control by employing the benefits of local small-scale energy storage. In Latvia, space heaters and water heaters will be installed in 50 sites. The trials in Latvia are supported by AS “Latvenergo”.

termoakumulācija; patēriņa vadība; viedās tehnoloģijas

Sauhats, A., Žalostība, D., Broka, Z., Baltputnis, K., Linkevičs, O., Kuņickis, M., Balodis, M., Vesperis, E. RealValue - Smart Electric Heating System. Enerģija un Pasaule, 2016, Nr.1, pp.54-59. ISSN 1407-5911.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
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