Laboratory Investigation of Latvian Historic Brick and Measurements of Water Movement in Historic Masonry Walls
Energy Procedia 2017
Reinis Purviņš, Edīte Biseniece, Andra Blumberga

Experimental laboratory tests including density, water absorption, soluble salts, compressive strength and freeze-thaw (FT) resistance have been done on clay, concrete and silicate bricks from 6 masonry buildings in Latvia following CEN standards with adjustments for historic bricks. In addition in-situ measurements of moisture content in brick masonry walls were done over a 5 month period using Trotec micro-wave apparatus. Laboratory findings include similarities to results of previous research, a surprising lack of quality in newer bricks, a low content of soluble salts and low FT resistance for Soviet-period silicate bricks. Wall measurements reveal the predicted drying in spring, less moisture in greater height and multiple spatial moisture tendencies that require further research.

Historic buildings; brick; water absorption; density; soluble salts; freeze-thaw resistance; clay; silicate; concrete; Trotec; moisture

Purviņš, R., Biseniece, E., Blumberga, A. Laboratory Investigation of Latvian Historic Brick and Measurements of Water Movement in Historic Masonry Walls. Energy Procedia, 2017, Vol. 113, No. 1, pp.327-332. ISSN 1876-6102. Available from: doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.04.073

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English (en)
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