Human Resources as a Key Factor of the National Economic Growth
"Транснаціональний розвиток освіти та медицини: Iсторія, теорія, практика, інновації" : матеріали міжнародної науково-практичної конференції присвяченої 60-річчю Тернопільського державного медичного університету імені I.Я.Горбачевського 2017
Andra Zenčaka

The decisive factor for the national economic growth and long-term competitiveness is the competitive intellectual resources, so the education and science should be given particular attention, and the effectively functioning competence-based education system that is in continuous communication and interaction with the labour market is required. One of the country`s most important macroeconomic goals is economic growth, resulting in an increase in the amount of final goods and services provided. Countries select the economic growth and development strategy on the basis of several factors – natural resources, human resources, their availability and quality, as well as access to capital and technology. In order to ensure the long-term national economic growth and competitiveness, a key factor is competitive intellectual resources, in production of which an effective functioning education system that is in continuous communication and interaction with the labor market is required. (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, 2016) Education plays an important socio-economic role, as the labor market requires continuous improvement of knowledge. The development of knowledge does not necessarily require a lengthy learning process, but on the contrary, it must be fast and qualitative in order to effectively respond to changes in the labor market.

economic growth, economic resources, education, sustainable national growth

Zenčaka, A. Human Resources as a Key Factor of the National Economic Growth. In: "Транснаціональний розвиток освіти та медицини: Iсторія, теорія, практика, інновації" : матеріали міжнародної науково-практичної конференції присвяченої 60-річчю Тернопільського державного медичного університету імені I.Я.Горбачевського, Ukraine, Ternopole, 23-24 November, 2017. Тернопіль: ТДМУ "Укрмедкнига", 2017, pp.86-88.

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English (en)
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