Review of Heat Pumps Application Potential in Cold Climate
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 2018
Raimonds Bogdanovičs, Anatolijs Borodiņecs, Aleksandrs Zajacs, Kristīne Šteinerte

Nowadays heat pumps become very popular in the Latvian construction market. The most actual types are air to air and air to water heat pumps. The main reason is low initial investments. The overall season efficiency of heat pump is not widely addressed in existing researches. This paper aims to analyze already existing experience of heat pump application in cold climate. The most appropriate simulation tools were defined and simulation modules were developed. In addition, paper provides deep analysis of Latvian climate in order to get objective data on outdoor air and soil temperature fluctuation. Obtained results allow to reach European Regional Development Fund project “NEARLY ZERO ENERGY SOLUTIONS FOR UNCLASSIFIED BUILDINGS” Nr. main targets and provides collection and analyses of information for development of optimal mobile energy source.

Energy management, Heat pump, Energy efficiency, Cold climate

Bogdanovičs, R., Borodiņecs, A., Zajacs, A., Šteinerte, K. Review of Heat Pumps Application Potential in Cold Climate. In: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Russia, Khabarovsk, 10-13 April, 2017. Russia: 2018, pp.543-554. ISSN 2194-5357. Available from: doi:10.1007/978-3-319-70987-1_58

Publication language
English (en)
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