Ferromagnetic Sorbents and Theirpotential for Collecting Pollution with Spilled Oil Products
Juris Treijs

08.06.2018. 12:00, Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes Būvniecības inženierzinātņu fakultātē,Rīgā, Ķīpsalas ielā 6B, 250. auditorijā.

Viktors Mironovs, Edmunds Teirumnieks

Anatolijs Borodiņecs, Ina Pundiene, Andrei Kasperovich

Juris Treijs has elaborated his promotion thesis “Ferromagnetic Sorbents and their Potential for Collecting Pollution with Spilled Oil Products” in the Riga Technical University in cooperation with the Rezekne Academy of Technologies. Scientific supervisors – Dr.habil.sc.ing. Viktors MIRONOVS, Professor, Riga Technical University, and Dr.sc.ing. Edmunds TEIRUMNIEKS, Rector, Associate Professor, Rezekne Academy of Technologies. The problem of water decontamination from oil pollution is becoming increasingly topical nowadays, since growing scale of the accidents associated with oil spills from large-tonnage vessels and offshore drilling. Fuel leak from oil depots, petrochemical plants, fixed tanks of large road transport companies inevitably causes pollution getting into the ground and the underground waters, as well as into the river basins. Different types of sorbents are used for elimination of the pollution. Therefore, the issue of development of new sorbents is always topical. Promotion thesis is devoted to the development of new sorbents having ferromagnetic characteristics and to the research, what can be used for the collection of spilled oil pollution. Ferromagnetic properties of the sorbents will allow selective collection of pollution by means of modern technological solutions. Thesis focuses on the use of recycled resources and on the use of industrial waste, which can be applied for creation of porous, including adsorbent materials. In the course of the study powdered, floating and ferromagnetic characteristics-bearing sorbents, their extraction at the laboratory level from residues of industrial processes were designed and explored. Positive results have been presented by Comsor 125 as one of the newly acquired sorbents, being capable to absorb up to 1.5 kg oil pollution per 1 kg sorbent. The sorbent model and methodology for its development was created in the course of the work. It has a floating element in its centre, connected with ferromagnetic particles. Use of ferromagnetic particles represents a prospective direction in the water purification sector from the light types of oil pollution. It will make possible collecting of pollution together with ferromagnetic powder from the water surface by means of mechanical and electromagnetic equipment. In the course of the work technologies and appliance were developed for spraying of powdered sorbents above the water surface contaminated with oil products. A stand was created to reduce the human factor during performance of the experiments, which has used three permanent voltage magnets and electromagnetic equipment for collection of the oil product contamination from the water surface and below the water level in small depths. The thesis will focus on recovery and reuse of the sorbents. New products were developed on the basis of extractable sludge to be used as fuel, fuel elements for thermal cutting of concrete and retrieving metal from solutions that can potentially add to the list of products manufactured in Latvia for internal consumption, as well as for export. The results obtained in the thesis are protected by two LV patents. The thesis materials are published in 6 scientific articles and 8 scientific reports for international conferences. Promotion thesis is written in Latvian, contains introduction, the literature review, experimental part, the results and evaluation thereof, conclusions, bibliography, 68 figures, 14 tables, 2 annexes, in total – 89 pages. Bibliography lists 149 sources.

Ferromagnetic sorbents, Oil pollution

Treijs, Juris. Ferromagnetic Sorbents and Theirpotential for Collecting Pollution with Spilled Oil Products. PhD Thesis. Rīga: [RTU], 2018. 98 p.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
E-mail: uzzinas@rtu.lv; Phone: +371 28399196