Impact of Electric Vehicles and Charging Stations on the Development of the Latvian Energy System and Environmental Quality
Larisa Gračkova

22.11.2018. 14:00, Promocijas darbs inženierzinātņu doktora grāda iegūšanai tiek publiski aizstāvēts 2018. gada 22. novembrī plkst. 14.00 Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes Enerģētikas un elektrotehnikas fakultātē, Āzenes ielā 12 k-1, 306. auditorijā.

Irina Oleinikova

Igors Kabaškins, Argo Rosin, Antans Sauļus Sauhats

The main objectives of the state policy of Latvia are to create conditions for the sustainable development of the energy sector, fuel and electricity markets and reduce the consumption of fossil energy resources in order to improve the environmental situation. The Climate and Energy Policies of the European Union provide a reference point from which to view the progress achieved and the new targets for reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions progressively up to 2030 in Latvia. To meet these objectives, Latvia has adopted the Latvian National Development Plan for 2014 – 2020, which is associated with the Latvian Sustainable Development Strategy 2030 and the implementation of the National Reform Programme Strategy “EU 2020” aimed at improving the energy efficiency of apartment buildings, public and industrial buildings, infrastructure and municipal public spaces, heat and electric energy, and the use of alternative fuels in the transport sector. In this regard, special attention should be devoted to the sustainable development of the transport sector, in particular road transport, which annually shows the largest increase in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Within the framework of the Doctoral Thesis, the author has analysed the existing mathematical models, tools and methods for distribution network planning operation and management with electric vehicle charging infrastructure development, and come to the conclusion that despite the increased attention to the development of charging infrastructure, a number of theoretical and practical issues remain unresolved in Latvia. The Thesis proposes an algorithm for examining and evaluating a local distribution network of a residential area and obtaining the optimal solution for creating electric vehicle charging infrastructure in active distribution networks. The algorithm allows modelling, setting targets and constraints, analysing behaviour and decision making. The proposed algorithm incorporates the analysis of large amount of real data and is based on mathematical methods. For completeness and accuracy studies, the algorithm is presented together with a test case. In addition, based on the development of the road transport fleet, a scenario has been proposed for a long-term optimal distribution of energy resources in Latvia until 2030 and for a possible reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Analysis of the scenario allows concluding that the goal set for 2030 can be achieved owing to the use of battery electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, despite the expected increase of transport vehicle fleet. The Doctoral Thesis has been written in English; it has been illustrated by 56 figures and 22 tables. The bibliography comprises 132 reference sources. The volume of the present Thesis is 138 pages.

Electric vehicles; distribution network; greenhouse gases emissions; energy balance

Gračkova, Larisa. Impact of Electric Vehicles and Charging Stations on the Development of the Latvian Energy System and Environmental Quality. PhD Thesis. Rīga: [RTU], 2018. 138 p.

Publication language
English (en)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
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