International Mathematics Olympiad for the Students – Competency-Based Education
Physical and Mathematical Education 2018
Inta Volodko, Sarmīte Čerņajeva, Irīna Eglīte

In recent years, there are active on-going discussions about the mathematics education at both schools and universities. The main subject of the discussions is attraction of pupils and students to extended mathematics studies. Encouragement to participate at Mathematics Olympiads is one of the option for motivating the best students for extended mathematics learning. The Olympiads in mathematics for secondary schools have been organized every year since 1945/1946. An International Mathematics Olympiad hosted by the Mathematics Department of the Latvia University of Agriculture has been held in Latvia for seven years already. The first such Olympiad was created in 2011 in frames of a cross-border cooperation project between Latvia – Lithuania “Cross-border cooperation net to include the competences of mathematics in the social economical development of the region”. Students from the Baltic States are not only competing individually in these Olympiads but also in groups. Groups are selected randomly, so that there are students from different educational institutions in the group. Each group has to solve some problem and to present a solution to the problem in an interesting way. Students also are discussing on the curriculum and education methods of mathematics at their universities, are evaluating and giving their proposals for the studies improvement. Interest about the Mathematics Olympiad grows every year. The number of Universities participating in the Olympiads is increasing almost every year. Also students of the Riga Technical University have been participating and winning the prizes at these Olympiads since 2012. These Mathematics Olympiads encourage interest about mathematics, facilitate socialisation and collaboration among likeminded youth and give the teaching stuff an opportunity to hear thoughts of the best students about mathematics education methods and ways of their improvement.

студенческая математическая олимпиада, компетентностный подход в математике, совершенствование методики преподавания математики.

Volodko, I., Čerņajeva, S., Eglīte, I. International Mathematics Olympiad for the Students – Competency-Based Education. Physical and Mathematical Education, 2018, 3(17), pp.36-39. ISSN 2413-1571. e-ISSN 2413-158X.

Publication language
Russian (ru)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
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