Capacitance Change of Silicone Oil/Carbon Black Suspension Filled Measurement Cell Induced by Electric Field
Abstracts of the 34th Scientific Conference 2018
Kaspars Ozols, Sabīne Ščegoļeva, Māris Knite

Results of our previous studies show that application of direct current (DC) electric field to silicone oil/carbon black (SO/CB) suspension leads to electrical conductance increase of the suspension by over six orders of magnitude. The initial experiments were modified to study capacitive properties of the DC field processed SO/CB suspension. It was found that application of the DC electric field to a measurement cell, filled with the suspension containing 0.2 wt% of the CB, increases the capacitance of the cell by up to three orders of magnitude. Significantly smaller capacitance change rate comparing to the conductance change rate, which was observed at the same electric field strength, can be explained by more linear (“slower”) capacitance increase relation among approaching particles.

carbon black silicone oil suspension, capacitance, DC electric field

Ozols, K., Ščegoļeva, S., Knite, M. Capacitance Change of Silicone Oil/Carbon Black Suspension Filled Measurement Cell Induced by Electric Field. In: Abstracts of the 34th Scientific Conference, Latvia, Rīga, 20-22 February, 2018. Rīga: LU Cietvielu fizikas institūts, 2018, pp.60-60.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
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