Car Harsh and Emergency Braking Intensity Perception by Novice Drivers
Transport Means 2020: Sustainability: Research and Solutions: Proceedings of the 24th International Scientific Conference. Part 1 2020
Juris Kreicbergs, Viesturs Feldmanis, Aivis Grīslis

Road traffic safety enhancement is a complex and challenging problem for any society. Novice driver training is among the practical tasks to be organized with a goal of fatalities and heavy injuries reduction in road traffic. One of the most crucial skills every driver should have is the ability to brake the car at the right time at the required intensity. In order to acquire this ability, every driver must learn and obtain skills that include both theoretical and practical overview of braking process and braking intensities. In Latvian Road Traffic Regulations unneeded sudden or harsh braking is prohibited, but the term is not precisely determined in the document. The aim of the study is to evaluate drivers' perception of different braking intensities and capabilities of emergency braking. Novice drivers who were taking their state driving exam were involved in emergency braking tests while drivers with five to ten years of driving experience participated in driving intensities perception trials. The tests were organized by state driving examination inspector as a part of his master thesis. The perception of the sudden braking limit has been evaluated. Problems with emergency braking training have been appraised.

Car driving training; Emergency braking; Rapid braking

Kreicbergs, J., Feldmanis, V., Grīslis, A. Car Harsh and Emergency Braking Intensity Perception by Novice Drivers. In: Transport Means 2020: Sustainability: Research and Solutions: Proceedings of the 24th International Scientific Conference. Part 1, Lithuania, Kaunas, 30 Sep-2 Oct., 2020. Kaunas: Kaunas University of Technology, 2020, pp.339-344. ISSN 1822-296X. e-ISSN 2351-7034.

Publication language
English (en)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
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