Corrosion and Investigations of Brick Wall Bridge Over the Venta (Kuldiga) and Recomendations for Restoration
Starptautiskā konference "Eco-Balt '2008": tēzes 2008
Inta Vītiņa, Silvija Igaune-Blumberga, Inese Sidraba, Ronalds Lūsis, Inta Timma

Kuldiga’s bridge (1873 – 1874) is one of the longest brick-wall bridges in Europe (164 m). According to obtained results for construction of bridge high porous bricks and dolomites with porosity 22% were used. For cladding of dolomite and brick walls hydraulic dolomitic lime was used. Based on results of investigations, recommendations and suggestions for materials and methods to be used for restoration have been done.

brick-wall bridge, dolomite, dolomitic lime, soluble salts

Vītiņa, I., Igaune-Blumberga, S., Sidraba, I., Lūsis, R., Timma, I. Corrosion and Investigations of Brick Wall Bridge Over the Venta (Kuldiga) and Recomendations for Restoration. In: Starptautiskā konference "Eco-Balt '2008": tēzes, Latvia, Rīga, 15-16 May, 2008. Rīga: Intego Plus, 2008, pp.110-110.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
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