Impact of the Synergy Effect of the Intelligent Urban Environment on the Sustainability of the City
Kaspars Plotka

14.04.2023. 10:00, Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes promocijas padomes atklātajā sēdē tiešsaistē platformā Zoom/

Maija Šenfelde, Armands Auziņš

Inga Lapiņa, Vytautas Juščius, Agita Līviņa

In the first part of the Doctoral Thesis, the cities and the urban environment are analysed as a complex object of study. In the second part, the author analyses the theoretical dimensions and concepts of the development of the city and the urban environment. In the third part of the Thesis, the author engages specialists in the problems of the urban environment to conduct an empirical study to assess the impact of an intelligent urban environment on sustainable development. As a novelty, the City Growth Matrix – DSCS and 11 postulates of an intelligent urban environment are proposed.

pilsētvide, sinerģija, intelektuāla pilsētvide, ilgtspēja, cilvēkkapitāls, dimensija, cilvēks, ietekme, radošums, telpa, pilsēta.

Plotka, Kaspars. Impact of the Synergy Effect of the Intelligent Urban Environment on the Sustainability of the City. PhD Thesis. Rīga: [RTU], 2023. 184 p.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
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