Magnetic Field in the Tooth Zone of an Axial Inductor Machine (AIM)
Texнiчнa eлектродинамika 2008
SVETLANA ORLOVA, Vladislavs Pugačevs, Nikolajs Levins, Edmunds Kamoliņš

In the present work the problems of modeling of magnetic fields in axial inductor machines are considered as well as the results of investigation performed on the field for different correlations of the width of a groove to the width of a tooth of the rotor and for different number of teeth of the inductor.

inductor machine, magnetic flux, tooth zone, software “QuickField”

Orlova, S., Pugačevs, V., Levins, N., Kamoliņš, E. Magnetic Field in the Tooth Zone of an Axial Inductor Machine (AIM). Texнiчнa eлектродинамika, 2008, N 5, pp.31-34.

Publication language
Russian (ru)
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