View of Climate Changes Based on the Wavelet Analysis of Solar Intensity
Enerģija un pasaule 2008
Diāna Žalostība, Jēkabs Barkāns

The view of existing tendencies in climate changes proposed by the authors is based on the available facts. Earlier, cyclic behaviour of the world’s river flows was discovered, which was found to correlate with the cycles of solar intensity. Similar correlation was revealed by the authors for global temperature anomalies. Based on the wavelet analysis it became possible to notice a phase inversion in these processes, which, in the authors’ opinion, could be associated with re-magnetisation of the Sun. This, for example, explains the hitherto inexplicable interruption in the temperature rise during the 1950-70-ies. The authors stress that the processes of global climate changes are of ambiguous character, being consisted of the natural and the anthropogenic components.

klimata izmaiņas, veivlet analīze

Žalostība, D., Barkāns, J. View of Climate Changes Based on the Wavelet Analysis of Solar Intensity. Enerģija un pasaule, 2008, No. 2, pp.82-86. ISSN 1407-5911.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
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