Investigation of the Induction Motor Start up Process Using Star-Delta Start
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Electrical and Control Technologies (ECT-2009) 2009
Marina Koņuhova, Kārlis Ketners, Elena Ketnere, Svetlana Andrianova

This investigation is concerning mathematical modeling of the induction motor start up mode using stator windings switching from star to delta connection. Mathematical model of induction motor realized by Park – Gorev equations. The analyses of presented start up mode shows, that at the switching time there is rotor rundown of induction motor. Speed of rotation of the induction motor due to rotor rundown decreases and in case of prompt switching in delta connection remaining rotor flux, which could not drop to zero immediately, it may be current rush up to 20 times more than rated current and that is not acceptable for induction motor. In this investigations there are provided recommendations for optimal switching time determination for star – delta start up mode of induction motor.

analysis, induction motor, mathematical model, modeling, Park-Gorev equations, star-delta start

Koņuhova, M., Ketners, K., Ketnere, E., Andrianova, S. Investigation of the Induction Motor Start up Process Using Star-Delta Start. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Electrical and Control Technologies (ECT-2009), Lithuania, Kaunas, 7-8 May, 2009. Kaunas: Kaunas University of Technology, 2009, pp.215-218. ISSN 1822-5934.

Publication language
English (en)
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