EUPOS and SLR Contribution to GOCE Mission
Proceedings of the ESA Living Planet Symposium 2010 2010
Jānis Balodis, Madara Normanda, Inese Vārna, Ambrus Kenyeres, Augusts Rubāns, Gunārs Silabriedis, Gerd Rosenthal, Ansis Zariņš, Jānis Zvirgzds, Māris Ābele

After the interest of geodesists from several East European countries on successful use of SAPOS in Germany the European Position Determination System EUPOS® project has been established at 2002 under the leadership of Gerd Rosenthal, Berlin State Department of Urban Development. Currently the ground based GNSS augmentation system EUPOS® sub-networks has been developed successfully in 17 countries and the wish to join has been expressed by several other countries. EUPOS® is widely used in many practical applications. Two proposals - “EUPOS® Contribution to GOCE Mission” (Id 4307), “GOCE Observations using SLR for LEO satellites” (Id 4333), were submitted to ESA when ESA in autumn 2006 invited research people to submit proposals for GOCE mission applications. The report is presented in this article on the work which has been done in EUPOS® community and at the University of Latvia. During last 3 years the EUPOS® subnetworks has been completed (Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, they tied to the National levelling networks, detailed system behaviour has been depicted on the bases of EUPOS®-Riga network. The development of the SLR for LEO satellites is presented. Initially it was developed for GOCE spacecraft positioning. However, SLR till now was able to observe satellites at night.


Balodis, J., Normanda, M., Janpaule, I., Kenyeres, A., Rubans, A., Silabriedis, G., Rosenthal, G., Zariņš, A., Zvirgzds, J., Ābele, M. EUPOS and SLR Contribution to GOCE Mission. In: Proceedings of the ESA Living Planet Symposium 2010, Norway, Bergen, 28 Jun-2 Jul., 2010. Bergen: European Space Agency, 2010, pp.1-7. ISBN 9789292212506.

Publication language
English (en)
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