Introduction of Monitoring System of Power Transformers of Functioning Efficiency of Power Supply System
Труды ХІ Международной научно-технической конференции „Проблемы современной электротехники-2010” 2010
Nikolajs Breners, Svetlana Guseva, Nataļja Skobeļeva, Oļegs Borščevskis

In given article the monitoring system of the transformers applied in Latvian Power System („Latvenergo”), as the factor on increase of functioning efficiency of power supply system is considered. The particular mathematical model for an estimation of measures on introduction of monitoring system of power transformers on the basis of the total annual discounted costs is created. Practical calculation with application of the given model is made.

transformer, total discounted costs, monitoring

Breners, N., Guseva, S., Skobeļeva, N., Borščevskis, O. Introduction of Monitoring System of Power Transformers of Functioning Efficiency of Power Supply System. In: Труды ХІ Международной научно-технической конференции „Проблемы современной электротехники-2010”, Ukraine, Kiev, 1-3 June, 2010. Kiev: Нацiональна академiя наук Украiни, 2010, pp.38-43.

Publication language
Russian (ru)
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