Economic Aspects for Growing of Genetically Modified Rapeseed in Latvia
Zemdirbyste - Agriculture 2008
Ināra Turka, Jānis Vanags

Growing of genetically modified cultivated plants can be economically profitable because it provides an opportunity to gain higher yields due to resistance to cenventional diseases and pests characteristic of cultivated plants, as well as to reduce the costs related to the use of plant protection means. However, there are still no commercially available disease resistant genetically modified cultivated plants, only cultivated plants that are resistant to particular pests and mainly tolerant to wide - spectrum herbicides.

Atslēgas vārdi
GM rapeseed crops, economic arguments

Turka, I., Vanags, J. Economic Aspects for Growing of Genetically Modified Rapeseed in Latvia. Zemdirbyste - Agriculture, 2008, Vol.95, No.3, 215.-220.lpp. ISSN 1392-3196.

Publikācijas valoda
English (en)
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