Investigation of Energy Harvesting Components for Wireless Sensor Networks
RTU 58. Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference 2017 2017
Jānis Eidaks

Energy harvesting for wireless sensor network (WSN) nodes has become common due increased demand on ensuring autonomous operation of low power sensors and devices. It has been shown that there is no single power source providing optimal resource utilization of WSN. This research is dedicated to the investigation of energy harvesting components with potential of implementation in hybrid power systems of autonomous WSN. Experimental investigation of solar and radio frequency power harvesters is provided, depicting the possibilities of integration of mentioned power sources within single intelligent power system.

Atslēgas vārdi
Energy Harvesting WSN

Eidaks, J. Investigation of Energy Harvesting Components for Wireless Sensor Networks. No: RTU 58. Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference 2017, Latvija, Rīga, 12.-15. oktobris, 2017. Rīga: 2017, 2.-3.lpp.

Publikācijas valoda
English (en)
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