Information about Author
Name, Surname:

Nataļja Budkina


(33600) Lietišķās matemātikas institūts

Scientific Degree:




ORCID: orcid-logo 0000-0003-1852-3312
23 items found, displaying 1 to 10.
Spline-Based Approach to Optimal Control of Trajectories under Inequality Type Constraints
Svetlana Asmuss, Nataļja Budkina
Full-text conference paper published in conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Optimal Control under Fuzzy Conditions for Dynamical Systems Associated with the Second Order Linear Differential Equations
Svetlana Asmuss, Nataļja Budkina
Full-text conference paper published in conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
On Usage of Visualization Tools in Teaching Mathematics at Universities
Svetlana Asmuss, Nataļja Budkina
Full-text conference paper published in conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Control Smoothing Splines with Initial Conditions
Nataļja Budkina, Svetlana Asmuss
Full-text conference paper published in conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Adaptation of Course of Operations Research to Needs of Engineering Study Programmes by Including Specific Models and Examples
Svetlana Asmuss, Nataļja Budkina
Full-text conference paper published in conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Dynamic Visualization of Optimization and Approximation Processes in Teaching Mathematics
Nataļja Budkina, Svetlana Asmuss
Full-text conference paper published in other conference proceedings
On Approximation of Density Function by Shape Preserving Smoothing Histospline
Svetlana Asmuss, Juris Breidaks, Nataļja Budkina
Full-text conference paper published in conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
On a Problem of Smoothing Histopolation under Additional Restrictions
Nataļja Budkina, Svetlana Asmuss, Juris Breidaks
Full-text conference paper published in conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
On Some Generalization of Smoothing Problems
Nataļja Budkina, Svetlana Asmuss
Scientific article indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database

2 items found, displaying 1 to 2.
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