Information about Author
Name, Surname:

Deniss Ščeulovs


(22A00) Ekonomikas un uzņēmējdarbības institūts

Scientific Degree:


Field of research:

5. Social sciences

Sub-field of research:

5.2 Economics and Business

Research interests:

E-vide, e-mārketings, e-komercija



106 items found, displaying 31 to 40.
The Relevance of "Born Global" Definition in the Research Process
Irēna Vaivode, Deniss Ščeulovs
Publication (anonimusly reviewed) in a journal with an international editorial board indexed in other databases
Challenges of Smes’ Business Model Digital Transformation in Latvia
Ludmila Kasperoviča, Nataļja Lāce, Deniss Ščeulovs
Full-text conference paper published in other conference proceedings
The Impact of Corporate Governance on Company's Success
Schweinberger Stefan, Deniss Ščeulovs
Full-text conference paper published in conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Are IT Skills Helpful to Manage Processes in a Small Business?
Māris Millers, Deniss Ščeulovs
Scientific article indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Evaluation of E-recruitment as a Business Model through Internet of Things Approach
Deniss Ščeulovs, Vladimirs Šatrevičs, Elīna Gaile-Sarkane
Publication (anonimusly reviewed) in a journal with an international editorial board indexed in other databases
Contemporary Study Process for Enhancement of Employability in the Dynamic Environment
Inga Lapiņa, Deniss Ščeulovs, Elīna Gaile-Sarkane, Mikus Dubickis, Tatjana Ņikitina
Full-text conference paper published in conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Competence as a Factor of Emotional Capital
Irina Ivanova, Deniss Ščeulovs
Full-text conference paper published in conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
How to Measure the Efficiency of the Digital Marketing Channels?
Deniss Ščeulovs, Edvards Lorencs
Full-text conference paper published in conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database

16 items found, displaying 1 to 16.
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Uzņēmējdarbības veicināšana
Deniss Ščeulovs